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In recognition of meaningful advances in Washington-based clean energy innovation and in the spirit of our founder, the 3rd annual David & Patricia Giuliani Clean Energy Entrepreneur Award will be presented on Thursday January 4th at the Future of Carbon Policy Forum.

The award recognizes meaningful advances in clean energy innovation. The inaugural winner was Kenworth Trucks, presented by Governor Jay Inslee. The second winner was Myno Carbon, presented by Commissioner of Public Lands, Hilary Franz. 

This year we had a long list of nominees, from which three impressive finalists were selected:

We’ll profile each in the coming days, starting with First Mode.

First Mode is delivering decarbonization solutions to what it describes as “a previously slow-to-progress mining industry, helping it rapidly reduce and progressively eliminate its carbon footprint as it mines, moves, and transforms the minerals that fuel the cleaner, more sustainable world of tomorrow.”

In May, through a partnership with Anglo American, First Mode’s DT74 proof-of-concept truck (the largest fuel cell electric vehicle ever built) completed a successful year of trials, proving for the first time that zero-emission mine haulage can operationally compete, integrate with existing diesel fleets, and be a viable zero-emission alternative to diesel. 

“In May 2022, First Mode achieved what many thought impossible with the world’s first and world’s largest hydrogen-fueled haul truck,” said Julian Soles, CEO of First Mode.

Proof-of-concept mining haul truck performs to all testing benchmarks, proving itself as a viable zero emission alternative to diesel. Image courtesy of Anglo American.

First Mode says its most significant impact on Washington state is “the work it is doing to decarbonize the upstream supply chain that fuels the downstream activities of Washington’s clean energy economy. As Washington deepens its work to achieve its decarbonization goals, demand is rising for the minerals required to build clean energy technologies like EVs, transmission lines, and solar panels. First Mode’s work to reduce the carbon footprint of these technologies will have an impact on Washington’s scope 3 emissions by greening the technology supply chain. When deployed at scale, First Mode’s built-in Washington retrofit solutions could abate up to 3.6 million tonnes of CO2e by 2030. This is the equivalent of removing 800,000 passenger vehicles off the road for one year, and the company’s decarbonization solutions will continue to abate 800K tonnes of CO2e annually thereafter.”

To learn more about First Mode, go to

Thanks to the entrepreneurial innovation of First Mode, Group14, Modern Hydrogen and all our nominees, the future of our economy and our climate is brighter.

Whether you are with a company doing business in Washington state, a tribe, community, or organization representing key constituencies, or a leader working to make life better in our state, the Future of Carbon Policy Forum is where you want to be on January 4th, just four days prior to the start of the legislative session.

Space is limited and we expect to sell out, so save your place today:


Special thanks to:

David and Linda Cornfield