Jay Inslee
Washington State Governor
Sen. Rebecca Saldaña
37th Leg. District
Sen. Joe Nguyen
34th Leg. District
Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon
34th Leg. District
Cody Desautel
Executive Director, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Timi Marie Russin
Cowlitz Tribal Council Member
Ray Wiseman
General Manager, Yakama Power
David Zapolsky
Amazon SVP and General Counsel
Andy Vesey
CEO, Fortescue North America
Rick Costantino
CTO and Co-Founder, Group14 Technologies
Arrive for check-in
Location: Amazon Day 1 Building, downtown Seattle
- Companies Leading Climate Innovation
- Tribes Leading Climate Action
- State Government Leading Climate Policy
Self-guided tour of the Amazon Spheres
Networking reception and David & Patricia Giuliani Clean Energy Entrepreneur Award presentation